Friday, May 2, 2008

Do Residents Work as Much as Communters?

This could be a completely false observation- so please let me know if it is- but I have noticed that a majority of residents do not work. On the other hand, the majority of commuters appear to be working when they are not at school. If this observation is true, then how do residents afford to eat and pay for their dorms? I understand that parents should help out, but there are some people that rely on their parents too much. Please let me know what you think.


ECCB-Christina said...

I am a commuter, but I actually don't work either. Not because I don't want to, but because my parents won't let me. I know a lot of people whose parents won't let them work; in my case, my parents are paying for my education and they want me to focus on my academics and activities that i'm involved in. I guess i'm lucky that I don't necessarily need to work, but I think that a lot of the residents here might be in the same position as me

ECCB - Jason said...

I live on campus and work. Granted it is only a few hours with work-study. I think that a lot of commuters do work, probably a higher percentage than residents? I'm not sure. I think part of it is that commuters live around the area and know of places to work or perhaps continue their jobs that they had in high school. For residents, at least in my case, it is difficult to have a job without a vehicle.
Additionally, it is expensive to live on campus. I don't rely on my parents, they are helping minimally. I am going to be an RA next year to help with this cost!

Wonder Woman said...

While reading your comment I know of a lot of residents who work. I do not work, but live on campus for the simple fact that I do not have to. I would love to have a job, but my job is to play softball and get great grades. Your idea of people relying on parents too much might be a little harsh.

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crowded parking
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